Skyrocket Your Business Without Wasting Time and Money on Ineffective Messaging and Unqualified Prospects!

A complete training package and tool


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Improve Sales & Marketing Efficiency

Complete Training Course + eBook + Template Tool

Why Use a Buyer Persona?

Using a Target Buyer Persona also known as a Ideal Customer Profile dramatically improves your ability to target the right prospects with the right message.

How to Use One

You will use this guide combined with the training and tool to create create your buyer personas and company profiles if you happen to sell business to business (B2B).

When to Use it

You'll use your persona(s) to help you define or redefine your target market, messaging and sales and marketing activities and content.

Everything you need included!

Don't panic this is the ultimate guide to getting your customer avatar / ideal customer profile / target buyer persona (whatever you want to call it) nailed and ready to use to grow your business and make everything you do more efficient!


Greater Efficiency


Businesses Educated



What's Included...

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Target Buyer Workbook


A simple to digest workbook that will give you the information you need to create and use your Target Buyer Profile. Take it with you.

Target Buyer Profile Tool

Works for both B2B & B2C!

We did all the hard work so you don't have to - this combined tool and template allows you to quickly create beautiful and easy to understand buyer profiles you can use immediately in your business or with third party agencies.

Target Buyer Training

Complete Course

Everything you need to get started in understanding, creating and using target buyer profiles to make your sales and marketing more effective. Works if your are a start-up or an established business turning over millions in revenue!

What Clients Are Saying

Before this we had heard about an Ideal Customer Profile, Customer Avatar but not really given it much thought. Not having gone through this we have a much clearer focus on who we are targeting with our sales and marketing and what we should be saying to them in our messaging. I just wish we had discovered this sooner - Steve's training makes it really easy to understand and has a template that just works!

Harry R

Business Owner, UK


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